
The 18th annual Toshiba/National Science Teachers Association ExploraVision Awards Program today announced its 2010 Regional Winners, honoring students who have developed ideas for beneficial future technologies. Sponsored by Toshiba and administered by the math homework help National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the ExploraVision program is the world’s largest K –12 science and technology competition. This year, the program received 4,550 team entries representing the participation of 13,947 students from across the US and Canada.

Inspiring Students in STEM

A key pillar of President Obama’s “Educate to Innovate” campaign is to bring much-needed attention to the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education for America’s young people. Since ExploraVision’s inception in 1992, more than 274,000 students have helped pave the way for this initiative by immersing themselves in STEM through ExploraVision.

Winning ideas in this year’s ExploraVision competition include a host of potential future breakthroughs that could help make the world a better, safer and more productive place. Ideas ranged from exciting medical treatments for Alzheimer’s and blindness to innovative food and energy production technologies, as well as enhancements in college papers for money transportation safety, recycling, first-aid and more. Projects reflected in-depth research in scientific fields ranging from nanotechnology to gene research, agriculture, robotics and others. At the Regional judging level, a panel of 58 judges—including science educators, scientists and engineers—evaluates the written entries and chooses the 24 Regional Winners.

The ExploraVision program challenges students, working in teams of two to four, to research scientific principles and current technologies as the basis for designing innovative technologies that could exist in 20 years. With its multi-level, imaginative and fun approach to learning, the ExploraVision program is designed to pay someone to write essay appeal to a broad range of students of all interest, skill and ability levels. As a testament to the program’s value as an educational tool, many teachers across the country now incorporate ExploraVision into their regular science curriculum, and for many former ExploraVision winners, the program has served as encouragement to pursue further science-related careers.

More Resources
The 18th annual Toshiba/National Science Teachers Association ExploraVision Awards
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