levelbrick8 – https://www.fireplacesandstove.com/categories/electric-fireplace-suites

Freestanding Electric Fire SuiteNothing can add warmth to a room like an electric fireplace suite. They can be set against a wall, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the design of your home.This model from Evonic features the latest LED flame technology. It also offers adjustable settings, and is compatible with apps that allow remote management. It’s also CSA-certified, and remained cool to the touch during lab tests.InstallationAnyone with a basic DIY skill can set up a freestanding electrical fireplace suite. They are simple to set up and look stunning in any living space. They are also more efficient than solid fuel or gas fireplaces because they don’t need chimneys and are safe to use. Unlike gas fires which emit carbon monoxide, electric fires generate heat by heating a metal element that warms the air surrounding it.There are instructions for most electric fires. Always follow these instructions to ensure that the appliance is properly installed. If you have any doubts or questions about the installation, consult a qualified electrician assistance.There are many ways to install a freestanding electric fireplace suite. You can mount it on a wall with a bracket. This is a relatively simple task, and you will often find a diagram in the box that outlines the locations where you must drill holes and then insert raw plugs. Alternatively, you can mount the fire on the flat surface of a shelf. Ensure that the fireplace is set on a suitable foundation, and that it is not touching any combustible materials.Another option is to purchase an electric fireplace suite that is flat with a built-in surround. These surrounds are designed to sit in a straight line against the wall, and they can be found in both contemporary and traditional styles. Some surrounds come with additional features, like log storage or areas to display decor that can add to the look of a room.Certain electric fires come with a recessed kit, which allows you to install them in a hollow in your wall. This is a much more complex project that requires the expertise of a professional. Consider consulting a professional before installing a recessed fireplace to avoid costly damage or injury.Once your new electric fire suite is set up, you can feel the warmth and comfort of it immediately. The flames are visible at the front of the unit and can create a warm and cozy environment. They can also increase the value of your home and make it more appealing to prospective buyers.SafetyElectric fireplaces are a fantastic way of warming up your home without worrying about carbon monoxide poisoning. Like any other heating system in your home it is essential to adhere to certain safety rules and regulations to prevent fires and other accidents. These include keeping your fireplace clear of the ignition source, making sure that pets and children are not too close to the flames, and maintaining the distance between your fireplace and the walls of your home.It is important to carefully read and follow the directions of the manufacturer when you plan on installing an electric fireplace in your home. These guidelines will ensure that your fireplace is correctly installed and operated and will assist you to avoid any dangers that could arise. In the event an emergency, it is important to have a fire extinguisher close to.It is recommended that you examine your electric fireplace frequently for signs of wear and tears to prolong its life. This will enable you to repair any issues before they become serious issues and avoid the need for costly repairs. It’s also recommended to clean your fireplace regularly with a damp, clean cloth to get rid of any dust or dirt.It is essential to never leave a fireplace unattended. This is especially crucial in the case of children or pets in the home. A fireplace that is left unattended could be extremely dangerous, and even a small flame can cause burns. You should also install a CO2 and fire alarm in your home. These devices can detect dangerous gases that could be deadly if breathed in.Also, make sure that you do not connect extension cords to your electric fire suite. They can create a fire hazard, as they are not designed to withstand the high temperatures generated by the electric fire suite. Use a power strip designed specifically for your electric fire suite. It allows you to control the fireplace and other electronic devices.Heat outputThe output of heat from an electric fire suite that is freestanding is an important factor to consider when buying one, as it will determine how much heat it produces. The higher the kW rating, the more heat the fireplace can produce. This will usually heat a medium-sized living room.The most powerful electric fires are able to generate 2kW of heat, which is believed to suffice for a small or medium-sized living area. They’re a great option for those who desire the look of a fireplace that burns wood but don’t have time to clean up ash or build chimneys.There are electric fires suites fireplacesandstove that have an enhanced flame image in addition to the standard kW output. This makes them more attractive visually. These models tend to make use of LED technology which can produce an authentic flame effect. Some of these models have a programmable 7-day timer, which allows you to control your fire remotely.Some electric fires come with built-in surrounds, either in a modern or traditional style. This can help frame the fire and create a focal point in your living space. Some surrounds include log stores, media units and display areas which allows you to personalize your electric fire suite to suit your interior design.There are many elegant electric fireplace suites that can be chosen if you prefer a modern look. Elgin & Hall Pryzm Varido electric fireplace suites are available in a stunning black finish. Flamerite Jaeger 10020 is designed to be flush against an even surface.Infrared electric fireplaces are a different option. They make use of infrared lighting to heat objects and surfaces within your home. This kind of heat is more efficient than traditional fan-type heaters, which only warm the air. It is essential to remember that infrared heat can only be used on surfaces and objects that are directly in the path of the beams.There are electric fireplaces that generate heat as high as 3kW. This is enough to warm a large living room. However, the majority of electric fires we sell offer heat outputs in the 1kW-2kW range which is more than sufficient for most living rooms.StyleFreestanding electric fire sets are a great choice for homes without chimney breasts. They are designed to sit on a flat surface against a wall. They are available in traditional and contemporary designs and create a stunning focal point for any room. These models have many built-in features, such as log storage, and spaces for displaying decor. They also enhance the look.Unlike gas and wood burning stoves, these models emit no harmful smoke or gases. They create heat by using the fan that draws in cold air and then passes it over hot metal coils to warm it. The heated air is then blown out through the back. These suites are perfect for families with children or for those with breathing issues such as asthma.The electric fire suites have advantages over gas fireplaces because they don’t require a flue, so they are simple to install and don’t require any professional installation. The Flamerite Lola LED electric fireplace suite is a perfect example of this, and can be attached to any flat wall in your home. It also comes with an storage compartment for dried logs, but they aren’t included.The Elgin & Hall Farnham Deluxe fireplace suite is another excellent example of this. It comes with a stylish Chollerton electric fire inset and comes in various finishes. Fires2U provides a variety of electric suites that can be placed in a flat position against the wall, including the Flamerite Aubade and Tennyson models. These are easy to install and include lighting in the surround.The Be Modern Flare Beadnell Suite offers a modern design that combines a striking granite-effect top shelf with an integrated Elsie 900 electric fireplace. This model is available in an Ice White finish that will make heads turn. The suite can also be fitted with a genuine log burner, if you like to add a touch of realism to your living space.

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