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LG Bottom Freezer FridgesAccess to food in a simple manner: LG bottom-freezer fridges put refrigerator storage at eye level for easy access and quick access. Smart features like our Linear Compressor and multi-air flow sensors help keep food fresher for longer.Smart fridge featuresThe top smart refrigerators we have reviewed come with impressive features that consumers enjoy. Shop in the window with LG InstaView and clever fridge organization with LG’s Full-Convert Drawer, with five temperature settings that allow for a the flexibility of freezer to refrigerator storage. Make pub-style drinks with Craft Ice, slow-melting spheres that add a professional touch to cocktails.Door-in-DoorLG and Samsung have embraced the door-in-door system However, GE is now looking to get in on the action. The GFD28GELDS has a rotating bin for larger items, like gallon jugs, cans and so on. It also has a shelf that can be used for large platters or oddly shaped foods. As with LG’s model you can open the inside compartment without opening the fridge door completely, which reduces the amount of energy consumed and cold air loss.The LRFDS3016S has a door-in door design and dual icemakers. The sleek stainless steel finish matches other appliances and enhances the look of any kitchen. best price on lg refrigerators resists fingerprints and smudges to make it easy for maintenance. It’s also Wi-Fi compatible, which means you can connect to your LG ThinQ app and adjust settings or resolve issues.LG’s innovative cooling techniques ensure that your produce stays fresher for up to two times longer. You can even alter the temperature settings to match your favourite snacks and beverages whether it’s chilled vodka or warm chocolate chip cookies.Discover a wide variety of fridges from LG that will fit your lifestyle, home and style. Select from side-by-side, counter depth bottom freezer, and French door refrigerators with a variety of finishes that will suit any space. You can also enjoy peace of mind with features like multi-air flow that evenly distributes cool air throughout the refrigerator, and LG’s exclusive linear compressor technology for optimum performance and quiet operation.Find the right refrigerator for your needs in our collection of LG smart refrigerators that offer the best in efficiency and convenience. With cutting-edge technology such as InstaView Door-in-Door and the capability of Amazon Alexa These refrigerators are designed to make life easier. From quick access to beverages and canned products to customizable virtual billboards, these fridges will alter the way you think about your time in the kitchen.

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