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Integrated Fridge FreezersRefrigerator freezers that are integrated seamlessly into the kitchen, slipping underneath the cupboard door and creating a more streamlined design. But don’t be fooled: behind the subtly incorporated fascias is a surprisingly large storage spaces and clever features that help to reduce the stress of daily life, such as minimising frost or eliminating it altogether.The 50:50 split is a popular choice for those who want to store equal quantities of fresh and frozen food items. Also the super-cool setting lowers the temperature of the refrigerator quickly to cool food faster.Space SavingThe integrated fridge freezers blend with your kitchen cabinets making them less noticeable and creating an uncluttered and sleek appearance. This makes them perfect for homeowners that prefer a minimalist design, particularly in smaller kitchens and open-plan living spaces.There are models that are completely hidden with the fridge doors and freezer doors covered with the same material that covers your cabinets, or a design that is partly integrated, but has distinct « fridge-style » finish on the front of the refrigerator. It’s really a matter of preference. Both have pros and cons. The fully concealed style provides less visual complexities, whereas the partial style avoids scratches in the cabinet’s finish, which can make your kitchen feel disjointed.It’s important to take into account the capacity you require when choosing your new refrigerator freezer that is integrated. Think about how often you go for grocery shopping and the amount of space you need for fresh and frozen products. A 70:30 integrated refrigerator freezer is the best choice for families who want a larger refrigerator section. It offers plenty of space to store leftovers and cooked-in-batch meals, as well as ice cream.If you’re looking for a new integrated fridge freezer, you should look for an energy rating of A+ or higher to keep your utility bills to a minimum. Also, you must make sure that you are replacing it like for like an integrated fridge freezer. It can only be placed in a cabinet that is made to accommodate one.At NE Appliances, we have an extensive selection of fridge freezers that integrate to fit all budgets and styles. There are low-cost models from brands such as Beko, Candy and Hotpoint that start at PS450 for our top-of-the-line AEG, Bosch, Siemens and Neff models could cost PS800plus. We’ll also set up your new appliance, free of charge and take away your old fridge or freezer should you require. You can also take advantage of the Buy Now Pay Later option to spread out the cost in three equal monthly payments.ConvenienceIntegrated fridge freezers are perfect for homeowners with small kitchens and open-plan living spaces since they can be placed behind a doorway to a cupboard. This creates a seamless look and reduces visual clutter. The most modern integrated refrigerator freezers are designed to be simple of use and have various features that aid in the storage and keep food fresh. A super-cool setting decreases the temperature of the appliance rapidly to keep the food frozen. Certain models feature a cold storage block that keeps the ice longer, and also an spout for drainage to drain water more easily when defrosting.If you’re thinking of buying a fridge freezer that is integrated, look for one that is in keeping with the style of your cabinets. Some brands offer refrigerators with white or cream finishes and others sport contemporary designs that feature stainless steel finish. If you need more storage space, you can purchase matching drawers to fit the freezer section.After you’ve selected a model that suits your home, check the capacity to ensure that you can fit enough food inside. The capacity is usually stated in litres, with lower-cost models typically able to hold around eight bags worth of food. However, higher-end models from the likes of AEG, Bosch and Neff are capable of holding up to 17 bags.It’s important to consider the cost of the customization and installation before you decide to purchase an integrated refrigerator. Installers may have to construct an bridging cabinet over the fridge, or remove fillers to accommodate it. This will increase the cost. Integral fridges are fixed and can’t be moved.When you are buying an integrated refrigerator, you must also consider the type of hinge it has. The cheapest models will have hinges for cabinets while more expensive models will have an extremely strong soft close hinge that is attached directly to the appliance.Energy EfficiencyRefrigerators with integrated freezers are designed to slot into your kitchen without compromising the elegant design you’ve spent a lot of time working to perfect. These refrigerators with smart technology may appear invisible, but they are filled with storage space that can be configured according to your needs. They also feature sophisticated technology that ensures food stays at its freshest.A lot of the most recent models feature energy efficiency ratings that can help you keep your household costs in check, too. There are refrigerators that have a low-energy consumption label that helps reduce your home’s carbon footprint, as well as freezers with frost-free technology that helps reduce the need to defrost altogether. This is especially important since fridge-freezers remain switched continuously – unlike freestanding models that only spend their energy when they’re not in use.The RS1884FLJK1 integrated fridge freezer from FISHER and PAYKEL is an example of this energy-efficient innovation. The appliance consumes less energy than other models which depend on the same cooling system for both fridge and freezer sections. This is a great choice when you want the space of a larger refrigerator and freezer, but you have a small household or you like to store frozen foods.If you’re after even more energy-saving features, consider the option of a model with an antibacterial lining that prevents the development of mould and bad smells. You can also select an option that fast-freezes which rapidly lowers the temperature inside the freezer, which helps keep food fresher for a longer period after you’ve finished your grocery shopping.If you’re looking to buy an integrated refrigerator freezer, pick one that has a track record of reliability and quality. We have a broad selection of top brands, including Bosch and Hotpoint at NE Appliances that are sure to please. Our free installation and delivery service will ensure your peace of mind when we start your new appliance. We can also remove, recycle and disconnect your old appliance. We also offer Klarna Finance at the time of checkout for customers who require an easy and flexible method to pay.DesignThe integrated fridge freezers are designed to blend seamlessly into your fitted interior without compromising the look of your kitchen. They can provide a sleek, sophisticated finish. They also perform a vital function in keeping your food fresh, safe and nutritious. There are models to suit every taste, whether you want to cover the fridge in a cabinet or make it the center of your home. From modern stainless steel finishes to sleek black designs There are fridge freezers from top brands like Bosch and Hotpoint in our online selection.Despite their hidden design, fridge-freezers with integrated refrigerators offer plenty of storage space. They can accommodate a huge turkey and a lot of bottles of fizz. The doors can be opened either way depending on the model. Some come with sliding shelves that are simple to adjust to your changing needs.There are even models with built-in wine racks, which enable you to store your favourite bottles in one place. They are ideal for homes that frequently host dinner parties or entertain guests.You can also opt for higher-end refrigerators that have integrated freezers that can provide an ample amount of freezer and fridge space, perfect for families who use the freezer for bulk-buying frozen foods or batch-cooking meals to freeze. These models are typically around 177cm high and many are panel-ready, so they can be matched to the rest of your cabinetry.If you do choose a tall integrated fridge, you can also select an alternative door split. There are models that have 50:50 split which is ideal for those who prefer the fridge section over the freezer or who want to keep their food at the ideal temperature. You can also choose between 60:40 and 70:30 If you want more freezer space.Appliance Centre has the latest integrated fridge freezers. Our selection includes appliances from the most trusted names in kitchen appliance design and you can be sure you’re getting top quality and value for your money. You can protect your investment with a fridge freezer policy.

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